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tv   CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera  CNN  August 5, 2017 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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-- captions by vitac -- nt hello. you're live in the "cnn newsroom." i want to welcome the viewers in the u.s. and around the world. we begin this hour with a historic and stunning response to the north korea nuclear threat. they united to punish the regime. on the very same day president trump's national security adviser h.r. mcmaster warns the u.s. is prepared to take military action if north korea does not back down soon. u.s. ambassador to the u.n.
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nikki haley says the reactions are a gut punch to north korea. i spoke with her just a short time ago. you called this the single largest economics sanctions package leveled against north korea. do you expect a dirchltd result from these sanctions? >> well, thank you very much for having me. first of all, it's a new day at ton. this was a day of action and we stopped all the talk and we said to north korea they have to stop their irresponsible actions. we wanted to make sure north korea understands what we're talking about. this resolution is the strongest resolution with sanction measures that we've seen in a generation. it will go after a third of north korea's hard currency, it bans coal, it bans iron, it bans additional laborers that they can send overseas. it has quite huge implications to north korea. we hope they take notice, and we'll see what happens. >> again, the question is do you
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expect a different result from north korea because we know time and again sanctions have been imposed, sanctions have been increased, and yet north korea's program continues to progress. >> well, i think what everybody needs to understand is that the revenue that goes into north korea doesn't go in to feed its people who are starving. instead what it's doing is it's going to fund the reckless nuclear program. so if we reduce the hard currency, we're reducing the funding that allows them this to do that. secondly, we hope they take note. we hope they realize this was the international community speaking in one voice saying this activity has to stop. they have a decision to make. this was a gut punch to north korea today. they can either take heed and say let's start being responsible and let's see another avenue or they can continue what they're doing and the international community will continue to respond. >> we brought the viewers your comments and you said further action is required even beyond
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these sanctions. what does that further action look like? >> well, implementation of the sanctions. we can go ahead and say we're going to put sanctions foortd, but the implications need to come not just from members of the security counsel but all member states and we need to send that message. the first part is package. the second part is implementation. we need to make sure we go ahead and do this. it will cut into a third of their economy and they'll have to respondnd accordingly. >> is preemptive military action own the table right now? >> that's all up to north korea. at this point they have serious decisions to make. what i will tell you from the united states perspective, we're prepared to do whatever it takes to defend ourselves and our allies. the ball is in north korea's court. they have to decide where they want to go from here. we hope they go the route of peace and security. we hope they go the route of focusing on human rights and feeding their people. we hope they go the route of
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stopping modern slavery, sending people overseas and taking the money from that situation. again, all this is in north korea's court and how they respond. >> we've seen how it is they respond. kim jong-un ordered the murder of his own brother. can sanctions stop him? >> i think what we could in the u.n. we spoke with one voice. he is now on an island. north korea has to now look at the rest of the world and they're all telling him to stop this reckless activity and they need to respond to that and respond in a good way. we want to see peace and security on the korean responsibility. what we have seen is a reckless dictator who's been paranoid, irresponsible, and has continues to make his own interests over the interests of his people, and i think that this is now going to see what they're going to do in response. but to have china stand with us along with japan and north korea
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and the rest of the international community telling north korea to do this, it was pretty impactable. it was a strong day for the u.n., the united states and the community. it was not a good day for north korea. >> we have seen in the last week, if the last cup of weeks, u last months different messages from president trump about how to handle north korea from rex tillerson to the cia director mike pompeo even talking about the possibility of regime change and we heard you say last week, no more talk. why the different messages from this administration? >> i don't think you've got different messages from this administration. think you heard was we said we're done talking, it's time to act. you saw today the united states led efforts in negotiation this week and worked with china to see if we could really make an impactful statement to north korea. today we acted. today it was a new day at the u.n. it was not about talk.
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it was about action. we're going to go forward. i think we're going to say and continue to say north korea has acted recklessly, irresponsibly, and it has to stop. and think we have tried to say multiple times all options are on the table, we continue to give north korea an out, we continue to give north korea the ability to stop what they're doing, and now they have to see what they do with that. >> let me ask you briefly real quick about the president signing off on fresh sanctions for russia. you have said everybody knows they meddled. do you think the sanctions will stop russia from meddling in with the midterms 18 months from now? >> we'll have to see. we should be hard on anyone trying to meddle whether it's russia or anyone else. what you saw were sanctions in response to the meddling. we seal see how russia responds to that. we negotiated with russia this week on security resolution and we were able to find common
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ground to make sure we had a strong voice for north korea. we hope that they'll continue to see it's about strong actions and not about irresponsible ones. so we hope their days of meddling in elections are over. >> what are the expectations with rex tillerson meeting at the agent security summit with lavrov? >> i think it's a continuation of what rex tillerson has been try dog, which is where do we find common ground with russia. there are a lot of things we need to talk with russia about in terms of north korea, in terms of what we're going to do with our crisis in syria, and we're going to be discussing those and many other things. the goal is going to be where we can work together. we're going to be loud and transparent. we're going to try to make things happen to bring additional peace and security to the world. >> has anybody expressed a problem with twitter diplomacy? >> i'm sorry?
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>> has anybody expressed a problem with twitter diplomacy? >> i've nod hat one country complain to me about the president's tweets. it is -- he's going to do it. this is a president who communicates through twitter as much as he communicates through everything else. the countries pay attention to what he says. never have they complained because they know where he stands and what he stands for. no complaints from the united nations or member states on the president suites. >> ambassador haley, thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. moments ago president trump tweeted about the sanctions in north korea. he said, quote, united nations security council vote 15d-0 to sanction north korea. china and russia voted with us. very big. financial impact let's talk it over with richard roth and elise labott along with juliet caye e
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cayenne. first to you, was today's unanimous vote expected and just how hard will these sanctions be on kim john un's regime? >> i think this was expected. certainly they want to be sure to have all of their ducks in a row. yes, it was expected. the big question as you raised is what kind of impact. i have been here for many, many years, and we've had u.s. ambassadors say these are the toughest sanctions. susan rice said that many years ago. nothing seems to change north korea. new sanctions affecting economy and seafood, look, they banned snowmobiles, nothing has stopped them. i think the countries are happy that there's unity at the council, though there's division on the deployment of the thaad
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missile system in south korea which was expressed at the table. but they're going to count the next missile launch. >> elise, after the vote during those remarks, she made it a point to thank china. meantime we've seen the president on twitter knocking china. how big of a foreign policy win is this that it was a unanimous vote? >> i think it's very big. as richard said, normally you don't go for a vote until you have the resolutions, but i think nikki haley should be credited. rex tillerson had a hand in the negotiations in getting the resolution passed. i think china was also a little worried that perhaps president trump was going to pass some more secondary sanctions or
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trade sanctions there was rumor. at the end of the day, china went along. look. i think china's walking a very fine line. it doesn't want instability with the korean peninsula on its border. it's concerned about going too far but it's also concerned with north korea's nuclear program. it needed to go along with the u.s. whether it needs do more as far as cracking down on supplying north korea with revenue and trade, that remains to be seen. china really has the leverage with about 90% of trade. >> juliet, nikki haley did not rule out preemptive action. your thoughts on that. >> she was quite clear that it was north korea's choice to determine whether united states would take preemptive action. it's tough talk and we have heard it before. it would require the south korean to agree to it. let's not make any delusions here.
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it's a carrots and stakes approach to north korea that i think the ambassador does enunciate very well. you get a sense there is strategy, bring everyone together for the sanctions but let the u.s. continue to talk tough as the president wants her to do, so i think it's a -- she's very good at enunciating what there is in terms of a trump doctrine, vis-a-vis north korea. it may not work, right, because as we've all been saying, there have been sanctions before and we should give her credit for that. >> we also heard nikki haley say this is the beginning, more actions will be necessary. >> right. >> richard, is it fair to say it's not only a big policy win for the trump administration given how hard it is to get a unanimous vote on this particular security council, but the fact that given the current tensions between russia and the u.s. and again the tensions
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between china and the u.s. lately, i mean how common is it for all of these countries to agree on something? >> well, going back in history of the world, whether it was saddam hussein's iraq or iran or other countries, you need that common villain, and perhaps it's the classic regime in pyongyang that everyone can focus on and agree on and say launching icbm missiles, we can condemn that and move against that, and, yes, there are still issues on the borders regarding trade agreements and refugees. so far, so good. but as you keep moving forward, u.s. will want to get tougher whether it's shutting down the oil or raising the stakes of who gets sanctioned. no matter, despite all the rhetoric that's been going on, kim jong-un is able to rally all of the countries to condemn and
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in their resolution threaten further serious measures if north korea doesn't comply. similar language we've heard before, but it's a tougher administration, it seems, in the white house on north korea. >> elise, realistically what are the chances these sanctions do, indeed, have tougher reaction? ing. >> it's going to have an impact on the economy. $1 billion. that's going to have a financial impact. whether it has an impact on kim jong-un's decision-making, that's highly unlikely and remains to be seen. i think in addition to the sanctions you have the desire by secretary of state tillerson to get some diplomatic approach going. he said earlier this week he would be willing to talk to north korea, north korea is not the enemy. that's been said before, but now that you have what i think is a little bit more of a credible threat of force, you've seen this president use force against syria when they crossed the
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redline, so i think the credible threat of force almost strengthens secretary of state tillerson's hand in terms of getting a diplomatic approach together because that's in addition to the united states and its allies clearly kim jong-un does not want to see any kind of military action, because while he could respond, it would basically spell the end of his regime. >> juliette, a lot has been said about diplomacy and she said she has not heard from a single country at the u.n. expressing concerns over the president's tweets. >> right. i'm sure she has not. in the sense like who is going to say to the u.s. ambassador to the u.n., we don't like the president's tweets. certainly you're hearing not just the tweets but the discloser of the conversations the president had with mexico's leader and australia, a lot of pushback. the president, i think it's safe to say, is not a linear speaker. he doesn't get to the point and there are a lot of discussions
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that seem not germane to the serious issues that we have with mexico, australia, or any other country. so you're starting to see this america first policy is actually as tillerson agrees with is becoming sort of an america isolated policy. that may be good. that maybe why trump's supporters voted for him. i personally think it's bad because at the same time, it's not like china is going away. there's volume ee's vacuums th fill and russia, and there are consequences to other countries and respect. i don't know that other countries do not say anything to her about the tweets, but the same reaction we have about the tweets is very similar to the outside world. secretary tillerson has sort of admitted as such. >> 140 characters could leave it open to interpretation. >> i will say this. there is something unbelievably
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irresponsible about some of those tweets because they can be interpreted by an enemy as a plan of action, right, that we're going to do something that we may have no intention of doing. do you remember when he had the transgender tweets? we hear later on people at the pentagon are thinking, oh, my gosh, is he tweeting out we're going to war with north korea? if our own military is thinking that, what are the other countries thinking? you have responsibilities with these tweets. there are ways to communicate. there's a world out there, enemies and the like, that need to respect the tweets and the tweets don't cut it. >> our thanks the all of you on the great discussion. meanwhile, rescue crews are searching for three u.s. mari marines. we're told u.s. military was carrying out training exercises
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with the australian military off the country's eastern coast when a u.s. osprey aircraft, helicopter went into the shoalwater bay. we're told president trump has been briefed, but at last check, three continue to be missing. we'll bring you any updates. coming up this hour, hands over the papers. a new report says investigators want the white house to give them documents related to michael flynn. what this could reveal about where the russian investigation goes next. plus, texting scandal. a fox news host has been suspended pending the results of an investigation whether he sent lewd photos to co-workers. our brian stall ter has the details. and the kidnapping of a 20-year-old model. we'll tell you who's under arrest for allegedly organizing an auction on a pornographic
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an important development this week in a special council's investigation of russia and connection to the white house. for the first time there's a specific action and specific request for the team led by former fbi director robert mueller. according to "the new york times," investigators want the white house to hand over paperwork rea littled to michael flynn's financial dealings with the government of turkey, especially during the final months of last year's presidential campaign. flynn is the former army general who served as trump's national security adviser for just 24 days. boris sanchez has more. this isn't directly related to russia's meddling in the election, but there is a connection. talk to us about that and why they're so interested in money michael flynn might have received from turkey. >> yes. as you said, ana, "new york times" is reporting rob
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mueller's team is taking a closer look at alleged secret payments made to the former national security adviser on behalf of the government of turkey allegedly for his lobbying work in that country and working against a political opponent of the president there, ray sip erdogan. he goes on to say specific documents from the white house pertinent to michael flynn going as far to question officials about his ties to that nation's government. this coincides with some of cnn's own reporting that the special council is zooming in, focusing in on payments made to michael flynn by foreign governments. we reached out to flynn's attorney. that i declined to comment on the story. we also reached out to the white house counsel including ty cobb who gave us a statement essentially saying they didn't want to get into the specifics of the conversation except to
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say they're fully complying with this investigation. very important to point out, ana, back in the spring, if you recall, the house oversight committee leaders there indicated that michael flynn may have violated the law by not disclosing some of these foreign payments on his security clearance forms, not only from the turkish government but also potentially from rtt, the russian news network. this is one slice of an investigation that continues to broaden. and as you remember, ana, flynn was fired for apparently lying the vice president about conversations that he had had with a russian ambassador. so there's still so many questions to answer in this probe, again, one that continues to broaden seemingly every week, ana. >> boris sanchez. we now know there are 16 attorneys part of robert moouler's team investigating all o of this. thank you so much. coming up, who could possibly follow the mooch? how about a white house policy
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as president trump vacations now at his golf club in new jersey, the beginning of his 17-day break, there are talks back home at the white house that stephen miller may be due for a promotion. a white house official tells cnn that the president's senior policy adviser is now under consideration for a high-level communications job. this is the same man that just a few days ago found himself going head to head in the press briefing room with our own jim acosta over the new immigration proposal. >> i am shocked at your statement that you think that only people from great britain and australia would know english. it reveals your cosmopolitan bias to a shocking degree that in your mind -- no, this is an amazing -- this is an amazing
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moment. >> it sounds like you're trying to engineer the racial and ethnic flow of people into this country's policy. >> that's one of the most outrageous, insulting, foolish things you've ever said. >> let's bring in brian stelter. brian, what is the position he may be taking on? >> some sort of communications job. maybe not one that anthony scaramucci had bun one of president trump's announcements. he's a hard liner on immigration. he's beloved by the right like breitbart. if he is promoted into a communications job, it's a sign the president wants to continue his war against the media, and he's not looking for better relations but continuing aggressive behavior. >> speaking of war against the media, we saw attorney general
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jeff sessions announce a big leak, crackdown yesterday at his press conference. he also talked about media subpoenas and going after the media. let's listen to what he had to say about going after leakers. >> one of the things we are doing is reviewing policies affecting media subpoenas. we respect the important role that the press plays and will give them respect, but it is not unlimited. they cannot place lives at risk with impunity. >> so the president just tweeted this tonight in response to this presser. after many years of leaks going on in washington, it's great to see the a.g. taking action for national security. the tougher, the better. so this is the first time we've seen the president praise sessions on twitter after all the criticism he was doing. and, of course, it comes as sessions is bashing the media. >> indeed. it's a big deal to have the president supporting sessions for the first time in many
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weeks. it's been nothing but criticism. and this is the first time that the president has offered support for sessions in public. i think sessions succeeded in his goal. he had this event to show the president he's taking leaks seriously. so far in the trump administration, only one person has actually been prosecuted for leaking. that was reality winner who sent a document to the website. we haven't seen prosecutions but sessions said the number of allegation has tripled and that was music to president trump's ears. >> let me go to fox news. have another scandal. >> indeed. eric bolling. he's one of the most pro-trump hosts on the channel. many years ago he was sending inappropriate pictures to female colleagues. he's been suspended this evening by fox news. his attorney said the anonymous uncorroborated claims are untrue
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and terribly unfair and hope they can be conclude and eric can return to work soon. in the past we receive people like bill o'reilly go off the air and never come back. it was first published by the huffington post office post last night on inappropriate pictures. >> you said it was years ago. the question is why now? >> i believe it was several years ago. it's not something that happened very recently. it didn't happen in the past few months in the wake of roger ailes at that scandal. why now? the "huffington post" was able to write about it. fox is taking this behavior in the workplace seriously because it seems for many years they didn't. change in tone by fox here. >> brian stelter, thank you. don't forget his show tomorrow
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"reliable sources" tomorrow on cnn. coming up, as president trump begins his summer break, the drip, drip, drip follows him. we'll tell you why former national security adviser michael flynn is back in the headlines. you're live in the "cnn newsroom." with avocado, olive and shea oils. it nourishes hair to boost color. from dull brown to our bluest black. nutrisse ultra color. nourished hair. bolder color. mikboth served in the navy.s, i do outrank my husband, not just being in the military, but at home. she thinks she's the boss. she only had me by one grade. we bought our first home together in 2010. his family had used another insurance product but i was like well i've had usaa for a while, why don't we call and check the rates? it was an instant savings and i should've changed a long time ago. there's no point in looking elsewhere really. we're the tenneys and we're usaa members for life. usaa. get your insurance quote today.
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and if you've had tb,... ...hepatitis b, are prone to infections,... ...or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. just managing your symptoms? ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. the special counsel investigate possible collusion between the trump campaign and russia is inching closer to the white house tonight. according to "new york times" the investigators have now asked the white house to turn over documents related to former national security adviser michael flynn. now, the fbi, we already knew, was investigating flynn's actions during the campaign, even before special counsel was apopped, but this is first time that we know of that the white house has been asked to turn over documents relating to his time there. let's bring in paul allen and lynn sweet.
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paul, what does this mean for the trump white house? >> it's an important development, of course, because flynn was the national security adviser to the president for a brief period of time but certainly had close contact with the president and was initially mentioned as the russian link. he's been under investigation by the fbi really going back into last summer and his failure to register. so i'm not surprised that trail would eventually lead to a subpoena or request for white house documents. >> lynn, president has called this investigation over and over and over again a witch hunt. he e said it's an excuse by democrats for losing the election, but there's a real effort, a bipartisan effort now under way to protect mueller and this investigation. do you get a sense that lawmakers are worried about what the president might do? >> we know they are because the senate did not officially go into recess when they left for the month of august. they are still in official pro forma session, and they did
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this. this is a republican-led senate, not trusting trump to not fire jeff sessions the attorney general and install a puppet attorney general who would then fire the special prosecutor. so this is extraordinary when you control the senate to technically stay in in order to avoid what's called a recess appointment. so, yeah, the senate is concerned. now, we know as the weeks have gone by that with the new chief of staff in place that jeff sessions' job is safe for now but they didn't know it when they made the arrangement for the senate to be officially in session to tie the president's hands. >> that's right. john kelly, the new chief of staff spoke with jeff sessions to say he was safe. paul callan, let's take a look. we learned this week records
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related to the family, investigators are also looking at lists of people who have brought trump branded real estate or lived in trump towers and business associates from the miss university pageant four years ago in 2013 when it was in mosc moscow. is it a concern that muller's investigation is valid? >> i wondered if it draw as red line. it's logical road to follow. i see all roads leading back to the miss universe contest in 2013. the trump empire, real estate empire established russian contacts in connection with that pageant, so you certainly would expect that any investigator would be looking at those people to see if that was a continuing intermediary between the russians and the trump administration. so, you know, i think we're going to see a lot more of this
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and a lot more discomfort on the part of the president as mueller proceeds. >> lynn, a white house official tells cnn policy adviser stephen miller is being considered for an elevated communications role, not maybe the communications director but maybe something similar but without the formal title, but, of course, this comes after that contentious briefing with miller in which he sparred with reporters including our own jim acosta earlier this week if he is being considered for this role, does that signal the president liked what he saw at that briefing? >> well, it showed that he wanted a contentious spokesman in addition to the southern style sarah huckabee sanders who has just a more downplayed and warmer way about her when she talks. it's puzzling, though, how long that kellyanne and president trump might want to leave a
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communications spot. it's leaving low hanging fruit and stories of appointments and who's doing this job and that job, things that reporters do care about get lost now because they're focused on what happened last week, stephen miller picking a fight with jim so he could get out his line about being a cosmopolitan elite. by the way, stephen miller grew up in santa monica, california, so before he starts tossing out these lines, you know, he could look in the mirror too. he went to duke university. you don't need to engage in that fight with reporters. if you want to communicate, it's one thing. if you want to pick fights, that's something else, and that's what president trump might like in stephen miller. >> paul, president trump talked about the russian investigation at rally on thursday. let's listen to what he said. >> the russia story is a total fabrication. it's just an excuse for the
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greatest loss in the history of american politics, that's all it is. >> so talking about messaging, we know the president has been advised to stop talking and tweeting about russia. if you were his legal team, would you be concerned about anything he said there? >> i'm always concerned about what he says. the closest election, biggest landslide in history, whatever he said, what about truman against dewey. everything that happens on the president's watch he thinks is the biggest, the best, and historic, and i think his accuracy and public statements is an important factor that lawyers have to focus on, and if he's going to make public statements about the russian investigation, it had better be very accurate. the one thing that struck me, he got a lot of cheers from the west virginian audience but it came in the aftermath of clear evidence that his own son donald
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junior met with a russian lawyer to try to get dirt on hillary clinton. he never got the dirtd apparently, but clearly there was an effort to reach out to the russians, so for your the president to say, this is absurd, i have nothing to do with russians ever, it's simply inaccurate on its face. >> paul callan and lynn sweet, thank you both. >> thank you. still to come, leaked transcripts of the conversations between the president and leaders of mexico and australia and something unflattering about the state of. >> announcer:. how some are responding. next. you're live in the "cnn newsroom." and we covered it, july first, twenty-fifteen. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two.
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candidate said this about the opioid crisis in new hampshire? >> for the people of new hampshire you have a tremendous problem with higher than and drugs, you see this
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place and you see it's so beautiful of the you have a tremendous problem. the first thing always they think so to me, mr. trump, please do something, the drugs the higher than, it's pouring in and it's so cheap because there's so much of it. and the kids are getting stuck and other people are getting stuck. we're going to end it. >> now listen to this, a leaked transcript of a phone call between president trump and the president of mexico where he called the state a, quote, drug infested den. it's sparking outrage in the granite state. and wave reaction from new hampshire. kayleigh. >> reporter: we're here outside new hampshire state capitol in concord. we've heard every elected official speak out in break to the president's comments, including the governor. who's been anar did he understand supporter of president trump but he's not supporting the comments about
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his state. it's not just applications who have an opinion here. president trump's comments come as big news to all in new hampshire. from portsmouth to manchester, it's the talk of the state. >> after reportedly calling new hampshire, quote, a drug infested den. >> reporter: in a january conversation with the president of mexico that was leaked thursday to "the washington post," president trump claimed he won new hampshire because the state is a drug infested den. >> i am horrified. it's deplorable. he had no business saying that about new hampshire without -- the fact that he said he won new hampshire was bad enough, but then to call us a despicable den of whatever was just -- i'm speechless. >> i don't see you living here. you don't see the day-to-day. i was born in raised in
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new hampshire. i would never call it a drug infested den. >> reporter: though many called the comments disrespectful and he didn't actually win the state of new hampshire in the 2016 general election, although he did win the primary. it's not all universal scorn. >> enough with the pc correctness. donald trump did the right thing. he called it out for what it is. >> the numbers don't lie. they are in the throws of a public health crisis n. 2015 only one state has a higher rate of drug overdoses than this one according to the centers for disease control. >> this is a serious problem. >> reporter: this is editorial editor of the union leader. >> it's been the most serious problem in new hampshire for the past four years, and people are frustrated. >> reporter: while the opioid crisis has rattled the get an state to its core, he thinks the jarring comments did little to jar the politically savvy people who live and vote in the state with the first in the nation
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primary. >> i think a lot of people are going to confirm what they already thought of the president. if they're fans, they love that he's talking about this in the strongest terms possible. if you're not a fan, you're going to be insulted again. but on the spectrum of ridiculous things donald trump has said, this is pretty low. i think this is the new normal when dealing with president trump. >> reporter: we can't underscore enough the conversation that president trump's comments have generated here in new hampshire as we walked into the union leader newspaper offices yesterday, a debate broke out among two staffers in the lobby. my cameraman here went to a bash barbershop in town and they were talking about it there. what we found agreement upon here is that what he said, the drug problem this state is facing, is a serious one, one that this state is trying to combat. >> all right. thank you. coming up, a story that will
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a british model who was kidnapped, handcuffed, and kept in a chest of drawers was to be auctioned off on the dark web. italian police say this 30-year-old polish national is now under arrest in connection after dropping off the woman at the british consulate in milan. she was kidnapped during a photo shoot on july 10th and allegedly assaulted and drugs and stuffed to a travel bag and imprisoned in a remote cabin in the alps. he told police he was working on on behalf of the black death
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group which is an illegal trafficking organization operating on the dark web. you are live in the "cnn newsroom." thanks for being with us. i'm cabrera in new york. the united nations security council approved harsh sanctions against the regime uniting to punish it for its intercontinental ballistic missile testing. the united nations security council voted to sanctionn china, and russia voted with us. very big financial impact. it's single largest package ever on north korea, over $1 billion in costs to north korea. u.s. ambassador to the u.n. nicky hailey says it's a g


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